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China says 'let's see' on a U.N. response to North Korea's nuclear test, following its veto on the issue

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - China's U.N. envoy stated on Thursday that Beijing does not want to see North Korea conduct a new nuc...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - China's U.N. envoy stated on Thursday that Beijing does not want to see North Korea conduct a new nuclear test, which is part of the reason why China blocked a U.S.-led effort to impose fresh U.N. penalties on Pyongyang for renewed ballistic missile launches.
However, Ambassador Zhang Jun cautioned against assuming Beijing's response at the United Nations if North Korea conducts its first nuclear test since 2017. Washington has warned that a nuclear test might occur "at any time" and that it will push for additional U.N. sanctions.

"Let's see what happens, but I think we shouldn't prejudge the outcome of a nuclear test," Zhang told Reuters two weeks after China and Russia rejected the imposition of more sanctions on North Korea by the United Nations Security Council.

Denuclearization is one of China's top priorities, according to Zhang. We do not desire another examination.

The double veto divided the fifteen-member Security Council publicly for the first time since it began penalising Pyongyang in 2006. Over the years, the UN has progressively and unanimously increased sanctions in an effort to cut off revenue for North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile development.

In recent years, however, China and Russia have advocated for an easing of sanctions on humanitarian grounds and in the aim of convincing North Korea to return to nuclear disarmament negotiations with the United States.

"Only through communication do we see the situation improve. With penalties, we observe a deeper decline "Zhang stated. Our fundamental position is crystal clear: sanctions do not solve problems.

North Korea has conducted dozens of missile launches this year, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, violating a self-imposed test ban it set during the first of three summits between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and former U.S. President Donald Trump in 2018. The negotiations failed to advance.

In an effort to relaunch negotiations with Pyongyang, Zhang has urged Washington to remove unilateral sanctions against North Korea and cease joint military drills with South Korea. The United States claims it has repeatedly offered negotiations without preconditions to North Korea, but has received no response.

"We urge the United States to take tangible initiatives and participate in dialogue. We also advise our DPRK allies to engage in a genuine dialogue with the United States "Zhang said, referring to the official name of North Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Zhang stated that restarting discussions between North Korea and the United States was not "mission impossible."

"The United States is the world's leading superpower. It is not difficult for the United States to engage in talks with anyone in the globe "he stated. It is up to the DPRK to make a decision, but our willingness is present.

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