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The Australian Centre-Left Party (ALP) is a centrist political party The Labor Party claims to be in complete control of the government

Image: Reuters Berita 24 English - The Australian Centre-Left Party (ALP) is a centrist political party The country's new prime minister...

Image: Reuters

Berita 24 English - The Australian Centre-Left Party (ALP) is a centrist political party The country's new prime minister announced on Tuesday that the Labor Party has secured enough seats in the lower chamber of parliament to govern on its own, allowing it to form government without the backing of independents or small parties.

Despite the fact that the former conservative coalition government conceded practically immediately after the election on May 21, close results in some seats and high levels of postal voting have kept the final total in doubt 10 days later.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated in a televised speech before the inaugural gathering of newly elected members that Labor currently believes it has won 76 of the 151 lower house seats, adding that the final figure might rise to 77 as counting continues in two close districts.

"Australians have placed their trust in us, and that trust comes with a huge responsibility," Albanese said, "an immense responsibility to deliver on the commitments that we made, the commitments for which we have a clear mandate as part of a majority Labor administration."

With a majority, Labor will be less likely to have to work with a group of 16 crossbenchers - primarily climate-focused independents and Greens - to enact legislation, though it will still need to gain extra support in parliament's upper house.

Albanese appointed an interim ministry fewer than two days after the election so that he could attend a meeting of the Quad security grouping in Japan, which comprises the US, India, and Japan.

He planned to discuss the make-up of a full cabinet at Tuesday's party meeting and anticipated to make the nominations public the next day, according to media reports.

The Liberal Party of Australia and the rural-focused National Party of Australia, which make up the conservative coalition, chose new leaders a day earlier after entering opposition for the first time in nine years.

Former police officer and former home affairs minister Peter Dutton was chosen by the Liberals to replace former Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who stood down after the election defeat, while David Littleproud was chosen by the Nationals to replace Barnaby Joyce.

Both leaders hail from Queensland, where the coalition suffered a three-seat loss to the Greens. According to news reports, the old government was on course to gain 57 seats in the lower house.

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