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With Olympics looming, US advises against travel to Japan due to COVID-19

Berita 24 English -  Travel Advisory: The U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory on Monday warning against travel to Japan because o...

Berita 24 English - 
Travel Advisory: The U.S. State Department issued a travel advisory on Monday warning against travel to Japan because of the appearance of a new coronavirus two months before the Tokyo Olympics begin.

As the infection rate increased in Sri Lanka, the department also issued a "Level 4" warning to caution travellers. This caused it to deem Antigua and Barbuda a safer place to visit, classifying it as a "Level 3 – Reconsider Travel" destination.

The "Do Not Travel" guidance for Japan does not specifically mention the Olympics, but it does warn people to avoid visiting the country at this time. According to an Olympic official, even during a state of emergency, the Olympics will start on July 23 as planned.

CDC recommends that travellers avoid all travel to Japan, according to new guidance. Since all vaccinated travellers may still be vulnerable to COVID-19 variants, people should avoid travelling to Japan, even if they have had all their vaccinations.

In a statement to Reuters, the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee said that it had been informed of Japan's updated State Department travel advisory.

The USOPC and the Tokyo Organizing Committee, working in tandem, plan to implement additional mitigation measures for USA athletes and staff before, during, and after the games to ensure that the delegation is safe during competition.

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