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Taiwan asserts that China is spreading false information during the COVID outbreak.

Berita 24 English - On Saturday, a Taiwanese official accused China of spreading false information about the island's COVID-19 situatio...

Berita 24 English
- On Saturday, a Taiwanese official accused China of spreading false information about the island's COVID-19 situation, stating that this was why the government was publicizing and refuting instances of false information circulating online.

After months of containing the pandemic, Taiwan is experiencing a surge in domestic infections. The entire island is on high alert, with residents being asked to stay at home and many venues closing.

Taiwan has repeatedly warned that China, which claims the democratically governed island as its own, is attempting to undermine trust in the government and its response to the pandemic through "cognitive warfare."

Deputy Minister of the Interior Chen Tsung-yen told reporters that they had "clearly felt" the threat posed by Chinese propaganda and misinformation against Taiwan.

"We will continue to explain the contents of the fabricated information to everyone to draw attention to it. We must intervene immediately and prevent cognitive warfare from affecting Taiwan's society, "he continued.

Chen cited examples of what he described as fake news circulating online, including claims that Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen was infected and the infection was being concealed.

"I want to make it clear to everyone that this is truly heinous fake news," he stated.

Tsai tested negative this week following the confirmation of infection among a worker at her residence.

A security official monitoring Chinese activity in Taiwan told Reuters this week that the Taipei government believed Beijing was engaging in cognitive warfare to "create chaos" and erode public trust in how the pandemic was being handled.

China's Taiwan Affairs Office told Reuters on Thursday that Taiwan's accusations were "fanciful" and that the government was attempting to divert attention away from more pressing issues.

Taiwan should "abandon political games and immediately take practical measures to contain the pandemic," it added.

Taiwan has urged residents to stay at home this weekend to break the chain of transmission.

The health ministry used its social media dog mascot, Zongchai, to suggest songs about loneliness that people can sing at home to keep themselves entertained, such as Taiwanese rocker Wu Bai's hit "Lonely Tree Lonely Bird."

"Avoid going out on weekends unless absolutely necessary," the ministry advised, displaying a photograph of Zongchai wearing glasses in front of a microphone.

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