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Sinopec to launch first green hydrogen project in 2022

Berita 24 English -  Sinopec, China's state-controlled oil giant, expects to launch its first green hydrogen project in the Inner Mongol...

Berita 24 English - 
Sinopec, China's state-controlled oil giant, expects to launch its first green hydrogen project in the Inner Mongolia region in 2022. Green hydrogen is a zero-carbon fuel generated from renewable energy sources.

The company, which is China's largest hydrogen producer, also announced a five-year focus on fossil fuel-based hydrogen production and the establishment of 1,000 hydrogen filling stations across the country as part of its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

Sinopec currently has an annual hydrogen production capacity of 3.5 million tonnes, primarily from grey hydrogen produced as a byproduct of its refineries. This capacity accounts for approximately 14% of total hydrogen production in China.

The green hydrogen plant, which will be located in the Ordos, is expected to have an annual production capacity of 20,000 tonnes and a total investment of 2.6 billion yuan ($405.58 million).

The first phase will produce 10,000 tonnes of hydrogen, with a 270 megawatt (MW) solar power plant and a 50 MW wind farm providing support.

The plant's green hydrogen will be used to fuel a coal chemical project being developed by Zhong Tian He Chuang Corp, a joint venture between China Coal Energy Co, Sinopec, Synergy, and Inner Mongolia Manshi Group.

Sinopec is also planning to build a 20,000-tonne-per-year green hydrogen plant in Kuqa, Xinjiang, China, powered by a 1,000-megawatt solar power plant.

(1 dollar equals 6.4106 Chinese yuan)

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